воскресенье, 24 ноября 2013 г.

Add-on, part II

I've looked what they have there in Kazakhstani add- on regarding VAT forms (for the record, according to local legal requirements we have 9 forms, besides general one). 

So far what I've seen is just 2 forms: for outgoing and incoming payments, haven't seen general VAT form yet, 'calculation totals' function doesn't seem working properly, but we'll see..

So you do all the prerequisites to make all things work the way they should to: 

- do all the configurations for master data of vendors/customers;
- define tax codes, with their assignments to G/L accounts (t-code FXTP, or directly in FS00);
- then you must create additional number ranges for both- incomings and outgoings (special t-codes for KZ add-on);
- activate KZREGINV product for partner 'KZ', after you've done this step all the invoices will be stored in FIKZD_REGINV_IN and  FIKZD_REGINV_OUT tables respectively via se16).

And I think that's it, post the invoice, and run RPFIKZ_REGINV program via se38, or find the report in FI-AR and FI-AP user menu trees (in reporting section I guess).

Ah, one more thing, assign the authorization F_KZ_REGIN object to your user so that you will be allowed to run mentioned program. Use PFCG transaction, I created new role, assigned just one object, and that's about it. 

What else...

Still haven't figured the way how it is possible to activate tax -related fields in FI-AA master data, they have only two developments (for transport and property taxes), and to run these developments you need to activate mentioned fields on master data level.. Since I had no time on troubleshooting to SAP about the issue, actually I did tried to reach the person accountable for KZ add-on from SAP, but response was like 3 weeks after I wrote support message. 

So middle of December, we're about to start localization project, which will be mainly about adapting add-on solutions. Besides, there will be couple of additional, out of add-on, developments ,related to Fixed Assets, namely, Corporate Income Tax form.

суббота, 2 ноября 2013 г.

About add- ons and etc.

Have started testing first release of Kazakhstani add- on.
Last time I worked with add-on, but Russian one, was years and years ago, that was my first ever full- lifecycle implementation experience, for financial institution, we were the first ones to implement SAP for financial intermediaries in Kazakhstan. If I am not wrong, it was 2004 or 2005, when the project started.
So speaking of add- ons, my first experience wasn't quite productive, at the end of the day, they've decided not to use Russian add -on, cause that one was very raw, no one knew exactly how to work with it, and most important, we didn't know how to adapt it to local legal requirements.
And then I did, as I always do, actually- I just go to ABAP department and tell them 'I want this to be this way' and that's it :) Everybody were happy, no one really did care, how the system works, just show the output, that convince everybody- regular accountants, people accountable for financial statements, auditors, managers, executives and etc.
But today situation is changing, in a good way, I would say.
So they've released first version of add- on accustomed according to Kazakhstani legal requirements. What I've seen so far, is Financial ,let's say, pre- customization stuff.
Surely, using that add- on will significantly reduce the amount of time you normally spend on configurations. But from my point of view, it is way too raw still.
For instances, where am I supposed to activate country specific fields for fixed assets. Surely will have to troubleshoot next week. Activating tab layout for tax time- dependent fields is not working. Most of the tables are referring to tables and views from Russian add- on, that would be just great, if SAP people could at least mention this link in their help files. Check this when you're trying to do basic configurations for transport tax. It took me 1.5 days to do all the configurations and filling all the tables out, just to make transport tax report work. If I would do it, the way I used to, i.e. by using ABAP coding, it would take me a week, or five days in best case scenario, just to develop two forms for transport tax- current payments and final declaration. So results are quite impressive, I would say. And it will ,definitely, change the whole concept of implementing SAP solutions. But let's see how it is going to be.. I am a bit skeptical still, I really want my skepticism to be ruined, so fingers crossed. Property tax configurations are pretty similar- go through all of the tables related to taxation- districts, regions, OKATO codes, assign OKATO codes to districst, define tax rates, and MAIN thing- ACTIVATE country- specific fields, which is an issue.
Next I need to test VAT invoice print form.
To activate the Kazakhstani add -on, go to IMG SPRO and pick the 'Activate business extension' and there you have it, enjoy! :)