суббота, 31 августа 2013 г.

It is the first day of Fall, 2013. And it is my first ever experience in blogging.. Let's see if I'll like the process .. process of this kind of 'soul pornography'. For me letting the rest of the world know about your own feelings, weird thoughts with no beautiful literacy in it, is indeed nothing more than  just a 'soul pornography'.
But let's see...


You don't care if this is Autumn, or Summer or whatever, when you are not related to schools and Universities anymore. You just observe the way one season re-places the other one, and this process is cyclical, as everything else created by Mother- Nature, and this process is desperately unstoppable.

Here's the line from Pushkin about this astonishingly beautiful season (interesting, but you start seeing beauty in Autumn by getting older... does it mean you're facing your own inner Autumn, lifetime Autumn, or as they say 'midage crisis'?). Anyways, Pushkin was telling that Autumn is a 'melancholy time! so charming to the eye..'.

Унылая пора, очей очарование...

ps: I've just realized that Pushkin in English sounds ... a bit tacky :) Or it is just me, used to read Russian classics in their own language, which I really adore.

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