четверг, 20 февраля 2014 г.

SAP Closing Cockpit w example

First ,do all the customizations related to your closing matters (CLOCOC t-code): 

  • Create task template (do it by copying one of the standard templates, don’t complicate things:)). So go to menu Template/Task List- Other template/task list:

Save as (do the assignment to organization structure, it can be both CoCd and Controlling area, or each of them separately):

Check for ‘Change value’ option for each of the org structure in your template:

Same goes with CoCd values.

  • Now let’s create folder that will include tasks we need to implement during the period- end closing (assume, we’re working with monthly closing routine. I am going to plan depreciation posting run for current period).

So create variant for t-code AFABN:

Variant has to be created for background processing only due to requirements of that particular program:

Assign deprecation run task to newly created folder in your template:

To set the precise date and timing for depreciation run, use Monitor function on the control panel (toggle between monitor and list display):

So we’re getting following parameters for our task run:

Length of the task run and all that is adjustable by using ‘Change task’ function:

Un-tick all the non-relevant assignments to closing type btw (we’re working with month- end closing).

  • Now, based on this template we need to create our actual task list. Go to main menu in CLOCOC, then ‘Create task list’ option:

Key date is going to be –today.
Closing type- M (i.e. montly).
Posting period and year- February, 2014.

And release the task list by changing status of it:

Now your task list is ready- ready.

  • Next go to CLOCO t-code, which is actually Closing Cockpit, check if your task list has been created. Schedule it. And that’s it.

That’s about it.
After our task has been implemented successfully, you can check for output of implemented task:

Double click on spool column:

Check for the log:

As it was already mentioned, you can also add your own developments into the task list. In order to do so work with the following t-codes: SCMATRANSACT and SCMAPROGRAMS ,for transactions and programs respectively. 

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