четверг, 19 мая 2016 г.

DMEE problems, ADRC table inconsistency

In your DMEE output file, text might missing, in specified text node.
This issue can happen when transferring data from master data of vendor/customer into DMEE file output, for instances.
Suppose, you've changed language key for vendor from KG to KZ on 01.01.2015. All of the invoices posted prior that date, will transfer KG into REGUH/REGUP tables, from F110 t-code. Invoices posted after 01.01.2015 will pick KZ into REHUG/REGUP.
So there REGUH/REGUP fetches data from KNA1/LFA1 based on date indexes. Which is incorrect. And this means there's inconsistency between KNA1/LFA1 and ADRC tables.
For our case, for vendor, there might be KG still stored in ADRC table, despite changes on 01.01.2015.
Resolution to such bug is as simple as that:


change of language key from  KZ to KG    (current date)

again FK02:

change of language key from KG to KZ     (current date)

And now ADRC is consistent with KNA1

that's about it, simple as that :)

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