вторник, 22 апреля 2014 г.

CoCd country specific fields *presumably* bug

On the bbc, yesterday, they were discussing such topic as solitude. Such a coincidence :) Western psychologists were sharing their most recent experiences of total solitude. That was indeed interesting, how one percepts the meaning of the solitude. One was saying that last time she felt so very lonely was when she was in a passport -control -queue in some airport for one hour and a half, no wi-fi, no willing to talk queue- neighbors :)) One hour and something of solitude...  :)
They were saying that in the US, culturally, you are not allowed to be alone, by your own very self. If you ARE by your own very self, then you will be perceived as a total weirdo, there's something wrong with you. Never been in the US, can not say if this one is true or not. Also they've said that in eastern cultures people are more reserved, people do respect their/other's right on being by their own lonely selves, and that people do need time for themselves, in order to feel the ache of the feeling and stuff like this...
Also there was something about studies, whether it is better for students to listen to one single lecturer for the whole entire good academic hour, and be by their own solitude selves, or interact with others in group discussions.
What else... it is interesting that this becomes a topic of 'seriously scientific' discussion. Now-a-days when people are barely alone 'thanks' to advantages of civilization, people started thinking of escapism as something extraordinary :)

Ok, so...

The topic is quite straightforward, but there is that one thing which I really didn't figure out, if that one is some sort of bug or something.

Assuming that you're customizing company code from the scratch. And you need to add country specific fields into that.

What you're doing is, first, you go to table T001I (via SE16) and start creating entries you're required to:

Assume, you're done with all the fields:

Then assign values to these fields in T001Z table (SE16):

BUT... something went wrong, and fields didn't appear in OBY6 t-code (maintenance of global settings of CoCd). 

After series of experiments on that, I found out, that you need to blank ISO code in view V_T001I (via SM30), this is cross- client table, so, careful :). Have no idea, what is the trick, but before doing that, all I was getting in OBY6 is all of the country- specific fields related to Russian company code. 

ps: wondering if this too shall ever pass...

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