суббота, 10 мая 2014 г.

Victory day

9th of May, victory day..

Yesterday I've seen that handicapped old man, he ain't got no legs, but he was smiling, he smiled at me, amazed, I smiled back, he smiled at people around and was congratulating everyone with the victory day. You know why I was amazed? Cause that was so very sincere, rare, real smile as an indication of uncovered happiness. 

Today morning when listening to the news about what has happened in Mariupol yesterday... I couldn't stop crying. It doesn't seem as mass media bloodshed exaggeration any longer :( 

To know who is right or wrong right now, at that particular moment ,is quite difficult, time should pass in order to enable people to judge the history.

But right now, at that particular moment, they HAVE to stop this!!

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