вторник, 24 декабря 2013 г.

IBAN required countries

Go to table TBE31 and create entry for your country, KZ, for instance ('KZ' key must exist in table T005). So the entry should be for events 00003030 and 00003040. Actually I did this only for 00003040 and it works. Assign CONVERT_BANK_ACCOUNT_2_IBAN_KZ to the event, but before check if this functional module exists via SE37 t-code. 

Then go to FBZP, do all the configurations for bank accounts, it should work.

Ah yes, do the configuration in t-code OY17, current requirements for Kazakhstani area are following:

(oh, good to know about picture inserting feature of 'Blogger' :)))

Maintenance of IBAN can be implemented in RFIBAN02 report.

Et voila, you have it in your bank accounts data.

ps: it took me one whole day to work that sh*t out, but such a great feeling when it works the way you want it to!! :))

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