пятница, 20 декабря 2013 г.

Just thoughts...

Friday evening thoughts about some things...:)
  • Trust your team members. When you trust truthfully, person you trust to can accomplish anything.
  • Don’t be control freak. Surely, you need to control, but don’t exaggerate. Balance.
  • Appreciation. Guys, appreciation is important, I am telling you. Your team is there not only because they are supposed to be there, they are not soldiers ready to get every order, as if they are in army; they are there to help you, first of all. Taking things for granted is always super bad.
  • Trust. Oh, I mentioned that one already, but once again- trust is a basis of productive business relationships, without that one you better off, seriously, cause no point of wasting your and others’ time when you consider ‘others’ as not trustworthy.
  • Talk to your team. Not just during meetings, while asking ‘where we at’s’ and etc., no. Talk, you need to know career goals and personal desires of each single team member, so that you will be able to communicate to these needs. People must be motivated. Motivation leads to inspiration.
  • Be demanding when it comes to deadlines. This is so very important.
  • If your team member needs help- provide help, don’t let small things to stop huge processes.
  • Invest in knowledge of your team. I hate quoting stupid obvious things, but this one is indeed true ‘what if we invest in them and they’ll leave? But what if we don’t invest and they stay?’. Rhetorical question.
  • And yes, one more things, no intrigues are allowed. This is NO- no.

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