суббота, 29 ноября 2014 г.

30th of November. Winter tomorrow..

Quit blogging, because my blog I created, blog I was working on, started living its own independent life.
Have no idea what is the reason it happened.
Master from Bulgakov's novel probably felt the same feeling when burning his handwritings about Pontius Pilate. Same disgust to what he has created.

четверг, 28 августа 2014 г.

Summertime happiness

It's been a while.
Had no time on blogging. Been having indeed such a great, blessed Summer! One of the happiest one I could only remember!:)
Not going to reminisce on that. Not now.

Ps: Europe, here I come, again!!:)

вторник, 1 июля 2014 г.


This is weird and probably not the right thing to blog about, but, it's been less than a year I am blogging here, still haven't decided if I like it or not, but seems like a have a real loyal readers in here. I don't know who you are, and where you at, but indeed thank you for being loyal!:)

Ps: Also, I need to admit, I still didn't manage to learn how to use all of the features of blogpost, I am not good at that at all, and many things still stay unclear for me even now, after almost a year of blogging here. Just have seen the statistics column of some of the blogs I posted earlier, and I am really confused of what this possibly could mean in reality, but this is quite a number up there:)

updated on 12/24/2016:

Kafkaesque, dostoyevsque and all that..

The Metamorphosis.
Horrific story of unavoidable, hurtful, in all possible senses, transformation and alienation.
No pre-amble, no pre-story, no nothing, Gregor just wakes up being a monstorous cockroach, and no empathy from the author's side, on contrast, he is way to cruel in humiliating Gregor and his family. But Gregor, he is indeed such a nice and so very kind guy, no intentions to hurt anyone at all... I can't, I simply can't... everytime I read it, I cry as crazy...:((

I've read somewhere that one admires Kafka for being master of math and pure logic, which he brilliantly put in all his novels, stories.

It's not the math thing, surely, there is no math actually, there's zero math, in fact, it's the kafkaesque complexity thing... it is the dostoyevsque complexity thing.

воскресенье, 22 июня 2014 г.

The Sudden Date

Sunday lazy late morning, when I so neatly decided to stay home the whole entire day, which is perfectly understandable, especially after having quite busy, stressful week overwhelmed with different meetings dedicated to solving different kind of cases, even though the weather outside is marvelous, late Autumn sun is shining, birds are singing, all of this makes your decision about the whole-day-escapism fairly absurd, and when I was sitting in a canteen reading a book I was so in need of reading after quite a break from fiction literature, due to almost absence of time on my own overwhelmed- with- daily- stuff- self, all of a sudden, I am getting a text message stating the precise time of train arrival and suggestion to meet for a coffee or tea, it makes me get up, with no sense of hesitation I start preparing myself to get out of the place, I was planning to lock myselfin for the whole day, to meet the person that is due to arrival in ,literally, couple of hours, with not a iota of irritation due to cancellation of my Sunday plans to stay -home-do- nothing, I found myself down on the street, totally mobilized, full of decisiveness to spend the whole day with people around, when I recognized with this uncommon clarity that I have more energy than I was in need to accomplish, and when in this mood I walked down the beautifulest streets of downtown towards the place where we have finally decided to meet, I've got a phone call with obviously disappointed voice on the other side of the line telling me:
- I am here and called you three times already. Why don't you pick up your phone?

понедельник, 12 мая 2014 г.

Записки из подполья

Это сильный момент в этом всем... Для меня, во всяком..

пс: Папа всячески против моего тотального увлечения Федор Михалычем ,говорит, 'все герои у него страдальцы, которых в самой своей развязке Достоевский обязательно или убивает или окончательно рассудка лишает. А у Запада к нему такая тяга ,потому что Россия в его произведениях вся депрессивная, ужасная, отсюда и искаженное представление о том, какова жизнь в России на самом деле' :)

суббота, 10 мая 2014 г.

Victory day

9th of May, victory day..

Yesterday I've seen that handicapped old man, he ain't got no legs, but he was smiling, he smiled at me, amazed, I smiled back, he smiled at people around and was congratulating everyone with the victory day. You know why I was amazed? Cause that was so very sincere, rare, real smile as an indication of uncovered happiness. 

Today morning when listening to the news about what has happened in Mariupol yesterday... I couldn't stop crying. It doesn't seem as mass media bloodshed exaggeration any longer :( 

To know who is right or wrong right now, at that particular moment ,is quite difficult, time should pass in order to enable people to judge the history.

But right now, at that particular moment, they HAVE to stop this!!

вторник, 6 мая 2014 г.

There's infinite hope..

But not for us (c) F.K

Don't know, I just feel like quoting Kafka today, with no particular reason. Btw, did you know that 'kafka' means 'crow' in Czech language?
Interesting, when listening Czech language, you do realize that words sound the same as in Russian, but you are not getting anything out of what you're listening, such a paradox, words, separately, do sound the same, but when they are united in one single sentence, it is very difficult to get the meaning... There is something with pronounciation, this is very linguistic, which I am not very good at.

У Сталкера ,Тарковского гениальный есть монолог про музыку. ВотЪ:

"Проснулись? Вот вы говорили тут о смысле нашей жизни. Бескорыстности искусства. Вот скажем музыка… Они и с действительностью-т­о меньше всего связана. Вернее… связана, но безыскусственно, механически… Пустым звуком, без ассоциаций… И тем не менее, музыка, каким-то чудом проникает в самую душу. Что же резонирует в нас в ответ на приведенный в гармонии шум? И превращается для нас в источник наслаждения, и объединяет… И потрясает!.. Для чего все это нужно? И главное, кому?.. Бывает ведь никому… И не для чего, так… бескорыстно. Да нет… Вряд ли…Ведь все в конечном счете имеет свой смысл. И смысл, и причину…"


Так вот о музыке. Бесконечно я...

Как Ты там?

суббота, 26 апреля 2014 г.

Notes from the underground

Кто лучше мог сказать, как не он:

Второй раз перечитываю записки человека подпольного:) Так сказать, подпольная читает о подпольном :)) Федор Михалыч гениален, глубокое чутье природы человеческой. 

вторник, 22 апреля 2014 г.

CoCd country specific fields *presumably* bug

On the bbc, yesterday, they were discussing such topic as solitude. Such a coincidence :) Western psychologists were sharing their most recent experiences of total solitude. That was indeed interesting, how one percepts the meaning of the solitude. One was saying that last time she felt so very lonely was when she was in a passport -control -queue in some airport for one hour and a half, no wi-fi, no willing to talk queue- neighbors :)) One hour and something of solitude...  :)
They were saying that in the US, culturally, you are not allowed to be alone, by your own very self. If you ARE by your own very self, then you will be perceived as a total weirdo, there's something wrong with you. Never been in the US, can not say if this one is true or not. Also they've said that in eastern cultures people are more reserved, people do respect their/other's right on being by their own lonely selves, and that people do need time for themselves, in order to feel the ache of the feeling and stuff like this...
Also there was something about studies, whether it is better for students to listen to one single lecturer for the whole entire good academic hour, and be by their own solitude selves, or interact with others in group discussions.
What else... it is interesting that this becomes a topic of 'seriously scientific' discussion. Now-a-days when people are barely alone 'thanks' to advantages of civilization, people started thinking of escapism as something extraordinary :)

Ok, so...

The topic is quite straightforward, but there is that one thing which I really didn't figure out, if that one is some sort of bug or something.

Assuming that you're customizing company code from the scratch. And you need to add country specific fields into that.

What you're doing is, first, you go to table T001I (via SE16) and start creating entries you're required to:

Assume, you're done with all the fields:

Then assign values to these fields in T001Z table (SE16):

BUT... something went wrong, and fields didn't appear in OBY6 t-code (maintenance of global settings of CoCd). 

After series of experiments on that, I found out, that you need to blank ISO code in view V_T001I (via SM30), this is cross- client table, so, careful :). Have no idea, what is the trick, but before doing that, all I was getting in OBY6 is all of the country- specific fields related to Russian company code. 

ps: wondering if this too shall ever pass...

среда, 9 апреля 2014 г.

Norwegian wood and etc.

I've finished 'Norwegian wood' yesterday btw. That one was difficult to fully concentrate on, cause recently there's been so many things I had to accomplish at once. In any of the ways, that book is nothing but another one, sad-love-life story from the Murakami. Toru guy that has that strong and weird feeling towards the girlfriend of his friend which committed suicide. Midori girl with her deviant sex behaviour that fell with Toru. Ah now, that I think of everything I've read, it seems that he himself, I mean Watanabe, psychologically is not pretty normal, he attracts this kind of psychologically deviant people. His way too tough ,cold and always pretending to be cool Nagasawa friend. Naoko girl, my goodness... Kizuki guy, this Midori girl... It is not people being weird around Toru, it is Toru being weird in attracting total weirdos in his life. He gets hurt, but he really enjoys it. Yes, indeed, the fact that he enjoys being totally hurt was proved by his last 2 months trip to Tokyo, living this eremetical (let's call it) lifestyle in there for the good 2 months... Here I need to stop with Murakami, my brain doesn't accepts him any longer, I don't understand many things, for instance, why to have sex with Reiko, with married woman, 19 years older than you...
Thinking of re-reading something really 'life-asserting' from Franz Kafka, Metamorphosis maybe. Tell me what you read, and I'll tell you who you are :))) Heh :)))

пятница, 21 марта 2014 г.

Marketing in SAP and stuff

So here is the list of, from my point of view, pretty much interesting cases I myself experienced while doing all these managerial -marketing, pre-sale, sales stuff. This list if very specific, and related only to SAP, so... And, by the way, there's no way you can do decent managerial stuff if you're not from SAP world. Seriously, there's no way you'll understand what your prospect demands from the system, you are not able to convince the prospect that all they want is already there, all you need is just do this super expensive click :) and there you have it, enjoy! :))
You need to have technical background, you have to, otherwise you're out of the game.

So if you're SAP partner company:

(1) Collect all the possible knowledge of your competitors. As far as I know, if we talk about Kazakhstani area, there are 29 partner companies operating on the market. It is a lot. But each single company has its own, specific niche, its own specific industrial niche. One is fixed on providing implementation, deployment, enhancement and etc. services for oil and gas companies, another one for mining and so on and so forth.
Which means they have their own industrial expertise, which is valuable thing, actually. But I really believe that you need to leverage your industrial experiences- if you worked for telecommunication for God knows how long, don't be fixed only on that, go oil and gas, dare to. Experience and expertise is all that matters, after all.
And never underestimate your competitors. Underestimation is such an ignorance.

(2) What are your strengths? Maybe you're good at implementing roll- out projects (you're having good big company names references maybe, you do provide implementation services on timely basis without harming quality of services provided, and etc.).

(3) What are your weaknesses...

(4) I already mentioned leveraging your expertise 'portfolio'. Don't be single- industry -player. It is difficult to switch, cause business processes might be different, or prospect might be a bit sceptic whether you'll be able to do it or no, but there's no way you doubt your own superior abilities. Never stop believing in your own self :)

(5) Threats. Entrance of new rivals on the market brings a very small threat, cause it is difficult to enter that particular market. It is unfair, but that's how this SAP market operates. If you're in the game, then you have to be too big, and there's a very tiny probability for you to fail :))
Among real threats of the market I might mention that most of the companies are already there, most of the large enterprises already run SAP... that's why recently SAP turns to SMB... but again, SMB industry is way too competitive, competitors are way too strong, they have their own strong positions in that niche. If you're 1C fan, why to consider buying some super expensive three lettered click? :)
Speaking of SMB solutions from SAP.. I've tested that SAP Business One OnDemand solution. Cloud based solution, with none SAP interface.. Even I myself, as an SAP 'adept' ;)), wasn't that impressed from what I've seen in there. The only alternative solution for SMBs is SAP A1, on premise.

(6) It is a social marketing era, so don't be afraid to go social, do the networking, meet new influencers or C-level people from different industries.

(7) Customer acquisition ... well, everything has to be clear here, cause probably that's the only thing you were doing since you are there, on the market. Retention of clients ,that's what is really important. Having loyal customers, willing to work with you only is a real success. Unfortunately, there are top managers that are not interested... no, let's say, they are way to busy to care about their own customers they've worked with years ago. It is a huge mistake. You need to care.
Like, for instance, you did the implementation for that pharmaceutical company, everything went well, everyone is happy, you've provided services beginning from business processes analysis phase till go-live and slightly post go-live support. And what happens after? Is there a life that exists after post go-live support? Of course there's a life. And people will certainly need every 5-10 years upgrade services. They might certainly need implementation of new SAP functionalities. They might be in need of further support, development. But you, of course, you are way too busy with your new ideas and projects, so you couldn't care less of your previous clients' needs. And that's way too wrong. Remind of yourself, invite them to your workshops, talk to people, ask their current needs, be in touch with them, it will pay off.
They say that 2-3% of clients' retention brings 25-90% of profit to SAP partner company.

(8) Brand awareness. Participation in SAP workshops, all the possible events organized by local office of SAP is important, period. Not only local office, expand this awareness on international area. If you're working with some specific SAP industrial solution, and there are no consultants/experts available in your own, or neighboring countries, go abroad, meet people, tell them about your own experience in your own geographical area. There's that HERUG conference that will take place this April/May in Latin America, it will be such a shame to miss that one if you're working with SLcM solution.

(9) Green technologies. SAP went green years ago. It can be really interesting for Kazakhstani market to adapt green IT. Need to mention, that there was that Energy Saving Law adapted in 2012. Besides that ,they approved that Governmental Energy Efficiency Program. They also do have official requirement to decrease GDP's energy content by 10% by the end of 2014.
Think of utilizing SAP's Business Objects Sustainability Performance Management in order toanalyze ways of  achieving that 10% decrease of energy content.

(10) Cloud computing, mobile apps, as far as I know, there are no successful precedents on Kazakhstani market..

пятница, 28 февраля 2014 г.

Migration to New G/L

First thing that comes into your mind is why you need this. 
Seriously, if you're already using the system for quite a while, why to activate new features you're not sure if they migh suit you or not.
That's the question.
Parallel accounting, that's fine. If you were using FI-SL for this, that's fine, you were using parallel accounts- that's also OK.
From my experience, there's one thing I can memorize, when I was so very in need of parallel accounts, and it is one thing only- tax depreciation of fixed assets. From that point, running actual depreciation for assets for depreciation area different from 01, on real G/L accounts to me ,back then, sounded so very cool :)) Or revaluation of fixed assets.

I've tried to dig deeply into the issue. Not that much I know so far about the migration itself, but this is, at least, something. 

First of all check for SAP note 812919 on migration issue. It gives you some hints, also provides you with quite useful links on SAP sources.

There's that migration tool, Migration cockpit which is used to transfer the data from classic Accounting to New General Ledger Accounting and, where necessary, to implement the new functions (such as document splitting) in General Ledger Accounting. This Migration cockpit tool includes some initial standard templates, so if you want to be aware of the consequence of steps you're going to deal with, while implementing your desired scenario (there are 7 scenarios so far, by the way), then you might take a look what cockpit's offering.

Migration to the New G/L has to be considered as a separate project, which is ,on average, 6-8 months length. Why for so long I am wondering, and what is the scaling of 6 months migration project (how many company codes, what functionalities involved, what features are being activated and things like that).

3 phases of the project, 8 possible scenarios, 8 months length implementation... what else should be mentioned. 2 training courses available, one is for New G/L itself and another one for migration. I guess, latter is pretty new one.. 

It says that just a regular consultant is not capable of implementing migration, so there's that special migration service team in SAP you have to deal with while doing this thing.


From 1-8, they are ranged by the complexity, i.e. features included in each scenario. Say for instance, only parallel accounting, no document splitting... or parallel accounting + document splitting... or everything mentioned before, and Controlling stuff and etc. Scenarios 6-8 for customers already working with new G/L, they have just decided to add some more feautures in it.

It is way too risky... So even if you're doing it yourself, with no SAP migration people involved, think twice. I personally, if there's that super urgent need in using new G/L, I would just do the copy of my current system, with new G/L stuff activated in it, and would start from there, without ruining anything.

Spring is in the air


Q stands for question. Actually, there are lots of unanswered questions left after you're done with the reading. Quite ambiguous, 1000+ pages trilogy btw)) My humble opinion is that the author could have squeeze everything ,he wanted to tell to his loyal readers, in one single book. The whole trilogy is way too static. Yeah, may be God is in the details, but there shouldn't be that sort of exaggeration. Too much of attention you're paying to clothes Aomame wears, of what Tengo thinks again and again when he memorizes his mother's breasts... And all these descriptional stuff on breasts theme. What's the whole idea of emphasizing on this kind of, some ,and I myself, may find disgusting deviations? They were way too much in 'Kafka...', and now once again, main character psychologically 'deceased' with Oedipus complex...You see the dynamics only by the end of the third book, that's why there are so many questions left. Dowager, Tamaru, Little people, for God's sake, what happened to all of them? Knocking on the doors, NHK fee collector's story read from the newspaper... What happened to the idea of causal connection? 

 Murakami often appeals to Chekhov's famous line about the 'gun hanging on the wall'... But what about his own gun?

 Oh, need to admit that almost extreme level of sophistication of 1Q84's characters. Physically strong, god like human beings, able to transcend themselves into the parallel worlds, which in fact, were created within their own imagination, intelligent, having good taste of books, of music... Tolstoy's quote about happiness ...initial idea of it was so very different.

 But those are details))

 I think the book itself is a bit over rated. I do remember, first release of the book in English, while I was living in Italy. Bookstores full of huge ads screaming 'yay, finally the book has been released, BUY it!'. Over- rated. Collective unconscious. 

 So main disappointment is that I didn't find central idea of these good 3 books. You know, when you read the book, you see the movie, there MUST be that central point, that gives answers on unanswered questions, that clarifies doubts, that makes you cry, makes you laugh, shortly touches you, so that after reading it, even if you're forgetting names, forgetting sequences of acts, you do remember that small little thing, that tiny central take away that stays with you. 

Aomame and Tengo were living in their own separate worlds for way too long, so their unification by the end of the book has that unnatural, fake taste. As if they were supposed to unite by the end, no matter what, and they did, no matter what.

ps: everyone is such a critic these days :))) But seriously, I do love Murakami, and I do have a feeling that I myself prefer early Murakami, the one before 'The Underground'.   

четверг, 20 февраля 2014 г.

SAP Closing Cockpit w example

First ,do all the customizations related to your closing matters (CLOCOC t-code): 

  • Create task template (do it by copying one of the standard templates, don’t complicate things:)). So go to menu Template/Task List- Other template/task list:

Save as (do the assignment to organization structure, it can be both CoCd and Controlling area, or each of them separately):

Check for ‘Change value’ option for each of the org structure in your template:

Same goes with CoCd values.

  • Now let’s create folder that will include tasks we need to implement during the period- end closing (assume, we’re working with monthly closing routine. I am going to plan depreciation posting run for current period).

So create variant for t-code AFABN:

Variant has to be created for background processing only due to requirements of that particular program:

Assign deprecation run task to newly created folder in your template:

To set the precise date and timing for depreciation run, use Monitor function on the control panel (toggle between monitor and list display):

So we’re getting following parameters for our task run:

Length of the task run and all that is adjustable by using ‘Change task’ function:

Un-tick all the non-relevant assignments to closing type btw (we’re working with month- end closing).

  • Now, based on this template we need to create our actual task list. Go to main menu in CLOCOC, then ‘Create task list’ option:

Key date is going to be –today.
Closing type- M (i.e. montly).
Posting period and year- February, 2014.

And release the task list by changing status of it:

Now your task list is ready- ready.

  • Next go to CLOCO t-code, which is actually Closing Cockpit, check if your task list has been created. Schedule it. And that’s it.

That’s about it.
After our task has been implemented successfully, you can check for output of implemented task:

Double click on spool column:

Check for the log:

As it was already mentioned, you can also add your own developments into the task list. In order to do so work with the following t-codes: SCMATRANSACT and SCMAPROGRAMS ,for transactions and programs respectively. 

четверг, 6 февраля 2014 г.

Kazakhstan add-on, FI-AA, Transport tax report

There are couple of tables/views you need to work with before you run the report:

(1) Define transport type in J_3RTTYPVEH. After you activated all the country specific tax fields, you can see this field in ‘Country specific’ tab of master data of asset.
(2) Regions and districts in J_3RFPTREGION (master data is assigned in ‘Country specific’ tab as well);
(3) OKATO codes in J_3RFOKATOT.
(4) Assigning of regions and districts to respective OKATO codes in J_3RFOKATOREG.While configuring property tax prerequisites you should have filled OKATO directory
(5) Next you need to define tax rates and stuff like this.

Most important thing is that in table FIKZD_TTAXR you have to do the assignments of everything mentioned above to actual fixed asset, created in system. I mean, it is weird, cause you actually did all the assignments in AS01 or AS02 t-codes, but here you need to duplicate all the assignments once again. So before you run the report, don’t forget to fill this table.
And that’s about it. There are 2 options of running the report:
Half a year
- Yearly declaration

You can store extracted report in database and so on and so forth.

пятница, 31 января 2014 г.

South of the Border...

Nat King Cole..

But also it is a title of Murakami's fiction story. About life of an ordinary, way too ordinary man. Such a twist. Murakami's characters are never ordinary, they are mysterious, they are weird (in a way ,let's say, majority's perception of 'weird'), they are strong, domestically, mentally, they overcome fantastic obstacles author invents. but the one from the 'South...' is an ordinary man, in his mid age crisis, with ordinary psychological problems, with wife, kids, life full of reflections on situations happened in the past, remininscents of things happened in the past. And the whole story is full of his memories about girls he dated and stuff like this. He doesn't seem to be Kazanova type of guy, but he is mentally weak, full of indecisiveness guy, that can't decide what is good and which one is not so bad for him. 
Shortly, moral of the story is that what goes around ,at the end, no matter how good you are in hiding from inevitability, comes around, period. 
I read it right after I finished 'Kafka...', and I was a bit sceptical, a bit disappointed, as if I was like 'well, now try to impress me even more than you did in Kafka on the shore', and he couldn't. 
Started reading 1Q84. I feel like it is way too much of Japanese literature, but I can't stop:)

Was having a conference call with Capgemini (Austrian one) people yesterday, they are planning to start roll out project in Kazakhstan. I've provided very brief introductory session on standard package for localization from SAP for their internal SAP bosses and IT people. I hope it was helpful in terms of understanding what to expect when they are here, starting with their roll out. 

P.s: recently I started taking cooking classes :) Those who know me know that I am not that type of girl, cooking, spending time at kitchen, buying ingredients to prepare that super mindblowing meal and etc. But ,I think, it is good in terms of expanding your imagination, I mean, when you combine something with something else, you imagine if that combination will work, how it is gonna work, what patterns you are getting by adding this and that. Shortly, so far I am interested :)))
Today I wanted to surprise my mum, and prepared fried potato with mushroom sauce :)) I prefer not to complicate things I am not really good at :)) It was me, mum and my auntie, I served dinner, candles I bought in Rivera Maison today, in these special astonishingly beautiful candle holders, or what is the name of it...)) Then my dad entered dining room, turned on the light and exclaimed 'You guys are like Van Gogh's painting, sitting in a darkness, eating potato' ahaha, that is such a hilarious comparison :)))) I am still laughing :))

Van Gogh 'Potato eaters', едоки картофеля :)))

пятница, 17 января 2014 г.

Automatic Payment Program basics, PMW, S.W.I.F.T. standard format usage

While trying to extract data in MT100 format, there was an error: BFIBL02260 saying that some of the payments were left out during payment medium creation.

Solution was simple as it is:
I’ve forgotten to fill in ‘Drawer on the form’ section of payment method maintenance on company code level.
Brief instruction on how to activate/use PMW form:

Tick ‘Use payment medium workbench’ on the ‘Payment medium’ area of the screen (maintenance of payment method on a country level).
Then go to maintenance of payment method on company code level (FBZP t-code, or IMG SPRO menu):

In FBPM t-code create a variant for MT100 format, save the variant:

System might ask you to define payer’s SWIFT code, if so click on ‘Format parameters’ and enter the SWIFT code:

After you’ve saved the variant for MT100 format, assign the variant to format in OBPM4 t-code:

That’s about it.
Run F110, and see what happens there. 

Internal workshop. SAP Automatic payment program, DME engine

Yesteday I've initiated this kind of a workshop for my FI department fellows.

I've provided config journal, I am going to share below.. also showed detailed examples of APP configuration within the system, particularly, configuration of DME engine, which wasn't very common tool to use for my colleagues. Also there's a project running currently, it requires configuration of DMEE tree for clients' needs.

There's SAP training course for APP, probably, I've mentioned that already in my previous blog posts, but what I wanted to say is that there's no proper documentation on DME engine, even what they have there in help.sap.com not enough for understanding of 'nature' of this tool. But once you start using it, you realize how easy it is, and that that particular tool enables you to do things that you were doing by coding in ABAP before. Which means DME requires zero ABAP knowledge, just technical names of fields of structures and that's it.

I am sure you will love it, it is brilliant, from my point of view :)


There are several ways of creation of DME files via APP:
-      Classical programs, starting from RFFO*
    -         PMW
    -        PMW formats adjusted by using DME engine
Classical programs are adjustable, you require ABAP coding here.
PMW formats are not enough when it comes to local requirements, so you still have to adjust formats. For instance, check for PMW format –MT100. I guess it is still adaptable by using a lots of ABAP coding.
And convenient way of creation required format that meets requirements of the client is:
(1)  Creation of payment method (country/company code levels);
(2)  Activating PMW format for new payment method;
(3)  Creation of DME format tree (name must be the same as payment method ,I guess);
(4)  Mapping of new payment method with DME format.

You don’t need to ABAP here. I think that’s about it. 

Let’s consider structure of MT100 format I’ve adjusted according to needs of the client.

First of all, create new DME tree format you’re going to use (DMEE t-code). Copy it from some standard SAP_SAMPLE, or something like this, format, but initial one doesn’t really matters, in any of the ways you’re going to change it:

After you created format tree, go to FBZP and create new payment method, do all the configurations. Then activate PMW for newly created payment method:

Then you need to tick ‘Mapping with DME structure’ option in OBPM1 t-code (super important, don’t mess with the option you see in maintenance of payment method within company code. But anyways, system will not allow you to do this, simply cause it is inactive there, so go to OBPM1):

That’s about it, now your payment method is ready –ready J Do related assignment in master data, don’t forget to use it while posting invoices (in case, you have several payment methods within master data of customer/vendor).
And then run Automatic Payment Program (APP).
One more thing… Before running the APP, create variant for your newly created format ZMT100 (for instance). Go to FBPM t-code, and create the variant:

Save the variant:

And THEN assign the variant to your format in OBPM4 t-code (just don’t forget this!!):

What else...

Customizing of DME format tree itself is quite easy and pretty much intuitive, I would say. You need:
-       Root;
-       Segment;
-       And elements of the segment.
Let’s consider couple of fields you want to be included in your DME format:
/NAME/Key Century LLP, Almaty, Kazakhstan
To create this line:

1)    Create Root ‘NAME’ or whatever you want to name it, it won’t appear anywhere. Following pic shows the structure of the root:

1)    After you’re done with the root, create segment ,name it /NAME/

You can pick if this one is a field with constant parameter (word, sentences, poems) included in it, or you can work with the structure elements (we’re working in PAYM application area, don’t get confused).
On a ‘Source’ tab insert constant parameter, which is going to be /NAME/. Now this one will be shown in your output.
So we’re done with the first part of the line /NAME/Vendor for test so far.
Then, create new element, name it ‘Name’ (again, someone is having lack of fantasy today J)
Add the constant parameter on the Source tab:

And that’s it. You’re done with the line.
All of the rest lines can be created by using same logic (create it or copy it, it doesn’t matter, just do it right, OK? J)
Let’s see how using structures work here.
For instance, you want to create line:

i.e. /DATE/10.01.2014
Do the same as for the ‘NAME’ line, create /DATE/ segment (don’t pay much attention on naming of the segment, it doesn’t appear anywhere, what you use in Source tab is all that matters), create underlying element /DATE/ (field with constant parameter /DATA/ in it). Then create another element, that will include date itself. Say, you want to set today’s date:

Tick ‘Structure field’ option, then go to Source tab and define structure and the field of the structure you want to use here:

i.e. we’re taking system data.
And there you have your line created in your DME format. 

среда, 15 января 2014 г.

SAP, Automatic payment program, payment method supplement

So why you need payment method supplement on top of payment method you define on master data and in FBZP t-code.

Here is my very short configuration guide on that:

So start from configuration of your payment method on a company code level:

As it is shown on screenshot above, de-select 'Single payment' option. That's it, save.

Then go to master data of vendor/customer:

On a payment transactions screen de-select 'Individual payment' option and define grouping method, the one that will be used when running F110 t-code in order to merge different invoices using same payment method into one payment order.
Does it makes any sense? :)
What I am trying to say is that This groups line items by using payment method supplement ‘22’, not by vendor in payment order, i.e. if there are 4 invoices with the same payment method, APP generates single payment order for these 4 invoices, grouping them by payment supplement method.

Now run F110, proposal run:

On a screen above we see 2 invoices that were merged into one payment order, with '22' payment supplement method, which means now payment orders will be generated not by vendors, but by payment supplement key, defined in FBZP t-code and in master data.

And let's see payment order that was generated by APP (Environment menu, then go to Payment orders- Display):

That's about it :) 

Later on I am planning to upload my config journal about DMEE tree configuration... But it is huge one, since it covers configurations of APP, once I have more time on that, I will upload that one. Cause as far as I know, there is nor proper information regarding DME engine on the Internet, you don't have it in SAP training courses (they just mention that, but no config exercises and etc.).